No relation to Grey Mullet. Red Mullet have a similar appearance to Goatfish.
Red Mullet
Mullidae spp.
A great-looking fish, with a mix of orange, red and pink skin.
Not large in size – available from 200g–1kg – but big on flavour, from this fish’s diet of crustaceans.
Larger fish can be filleted, but best to look for 400–600g fish – they simply need scaling carefully (the skin is delicate), with the gills removed, and then grilled or baked whole.
The flesh is a wonderful pale pink and very delicate, but takes strong flavours, and works especially well with fennel or tapenade.
Goatfish is a very similar species from the same family, and is flown in regularly from Australia.
Whilst this species mainly lives in warm waters, it can also be found in cold waters such as the North Sea.
According to the Defra fish-list it is acceptable to label all species of Mullidae as Red Mullet.