The Carangidae are a family of Ray-Finned fish that includes the Jacks, Pompanos, Jack Mackerels, Runners, Trevallies and Scads.
Longfin Trevally
Carangidae family of fish
The commercial names Trevally or Jack cover a wide range of species with various local names, including Horse Mackerel, Crevalle Jack, Scad, Pompano and – confusingly – Yellowtail Kingfish!
It is hardly surprisingly they are often confused with Kingfish. The Australian Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola lalandi) is now being successfully farmed, giving a consistent supply of 4–8kg fish, though legally it should be marketed in the UK as either Jack or Trevally. Citrus marinades help retain moisture during cooking of these species, which pair well with Thai and Cajun flavour.