Learner journey resources for fishmonger apprentices in England - month twelve

This webpage provides links to resources for fishmonger apprentices studying in the twelfth month of the apprenticeship.

The resources below are separated into a section for knowledge-based learning and a section for skills-based learning.

Month twelve

Knowledge-based learning

Customer Service/complaints procedures: A Customer Service Guide for Independent and Mobile Fishmongers

Customer Service/Complaints procedures: Shopping for fresh fish video 

Alternative species: Sustainable fish to eat

Alternative species: Good Fish Guide

Weighing, labelling, packaging: A guide to correctly labelling catch

Weighing, labelling, packaging: Fish Labelling Regulations

Weighing, labelling, packaging: Allergens labelling laws

Weighing, labelling, packaging: Packaging and waste legislation

Fishmonger reaching for a piece of fish on a fish counter to serve to a customer
Fishmonger serving a customer

Month twelve

Skills-based learning

Mollusc preparation: Clean and shuck video 1

Mollusc preparation: Clean and shuck video 2

Mollusc preparation: Clean and shuck video 3

Crustacean preparation: De-head, shell and de-vein video

Round fish preparation: Block fillet video

Round fish preparation: Pin boning, J-cut and V-cut video