Learner journey resources for fishmonger apprentices in England - month eighteen

This webpage provides links to resources for fishmonger apprentices studying in the eighteenth month of the apprenticeship.

The resources below are separated into a section for knowledge-based learning and a section for skills-based learning.

Month eighteen

Knowledge-based learning

End Point Assessment (EPA) observation: EPA observation sample video 1

EPA observation: EPA observation sample video 2

EPA professional discussion: EPA interview sample video

Are we ready for the gateway: Preparing for an End Point Assessment

Students assessing fish on a training course
Fish Quality Assessment training course

Month eighteen

Skills-based learning

Flatfish preparation: Pocket video

Round fish preparation: Canoe video

Shellfish preparation: Dressing video

Bivalve preparation: Shucking video 1

Bivalve preparation: Shucking video 2