The largest of the Flatfish, Halibut have been known to grow as large as 300kg and 4m long in deeper waters. This is a highly esteemed and very tasty fish, with creamy-white, firm, meaty flesh.
Hippoglossus hippoglossus
The Halibut has a compressed oval body with a large mouth. The dark eye side is a greenish dark brown and the blind side is pure white. Smaller fish of 1–3kg are known as ‘baby’ or ‘chick’ halibut, and usually found in shallower waters.
The best-quality fish and largest (3 – 70kg) fish are usually caught by line, so the catch is limited, making them more expensive.
As well as being found in the North Atlantic, North Sea and the Pacific, Halibut is now also being successfully farmed, ensuring this exquisite, nutritious species is available year round.
Atlantic Halibut is not to be confused with Mock, Black or Greenland (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), which is an inferior species and less easily identified – dark brown on both sides and with a slightly gelatinous texture.
Most people agree the best way to cook Halibut is simply: poached in a good fish stock or white wine, with the cooking liquors used as a base for a superb sauce (delicate flavours work best). Suprêmes are also good pan fried – but take care not to over-cook and dry out.