They way in which apprenticeship opportunities in the seafood hospitality sector are offered across the UK is different from nation to nation.
Mark Drummond cooking fish and chips at Towngate Fisheries, Bradford
A variety of apprenticeships are available to help businesses in the fish and chip industry ensure that their staff have the knowledge and skills to become excellent fish friers.
Fish frying businesses can access Level 2 and Level 3 fish and shellfish industry framework based apprenticeships in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. These frameworks have some fish frying and cooked food/food service content to draw from.
The available apprenticeships are standards-based production chef apprenticeships available at Levels 2 and 3.
Coleg Cambria, contact their Employer Engagement team on 0300 3030006 or (North Wales fish friers – production chef and senior production chef standards only).
Cambrian Training – contact Mark Llewellyn on 01938 555893 or email (All of Wales, fish and shellfish frameworks at Levels 2 and 3, also production chef and senior production chef standards).
Northern Ireland
The various Regional Colleges may be able to support apprenticeships in the seafood industry.