There is no single or simple definition for ‘sustainable’ and ‘responsible’ sourcing.
However, the United Nations defines ‘sustainable development’ in the Brundtland Report as ‘development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’.
A sustainable fishery is unequivocally one in which fish stocks are being harvested by fishermen in such a way that ecosystem health and the marine environment are sustained at the same time. Target fish populations are judged to be at healthy levels (this can be the case even if they are ‘recovering’ from having been depleted in the past).
Importantly, however, ‘responsible fishing’ does not necessarily confirm sustainability. Sustainability is the goal; responsible fishing is the behaviours and practices which can help achieve it.
There is no single simple definition of ‘responsible sourcing’ and since in seafood there are many types of fishery, fish farm and fish species, the range of factors influencing what is ‘responsible’ practice can vary greatly. However, the term does usually imply that – at the very least – the fish is being sourced in a way which complies with minimum management or legal requirements.
Although definitions continue to evolve, the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries is widely used as the global ‘handbook’ to define ‘responsible’ behaviours in wild fisheries.
Because fish stocks and the environment are under pressure, we need to apply best practice to conserve and rebuild stocks for the future.
Whilst some of Europe’s previous stock management regimes have not worked well, science and understanding are improving and in general everyone in the supply chain is starting to work together to bring about change and improvement.
This requires input from everyone in the seafood supply chain – from fishermen adapting their techniques to retailers and chefs marketing a broader range of seafood to help encourage consumers to accept less popular kinds of fish.
The key to buying responsibly is to look for transparency and traceability so that you can be confident of the provenance both of the produce itself and of the supply chain that has brought it to market.
Consider all the options – direct sale or wholesaler, foodservice supplier, merchant or processor? Once you are sure you properly understand and have evidence of the seafood’s provenance, you can decide which factors matter to you and your business and make informed and ‘responsible’ choices accordingly.
The key to buying responsibly is to look for transparency and traceability so that you can be confident of the provenance both of the produce itself and of the supply chain that has brought it to market
In general, standards in UK seafood are already high. Our fisheries management regimes are strong and many inshore areas are already managed for environmental protection.
There are also high levels of compliance and engagement in responsible fisheries management by fishermen. However, 80% of the seafood consumed in the UK is imported and most major seafood companies have developed efficient processes to identify and audit what is ‘responsible’.
Overall the UK already consumes the highest proportion of Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified product of any country in the world.
In recent years, new alliances have been built between government, fishermen, statutory bodies, conservationists and scientists, all working together to secure a sustainable future for the seas and fish stocks around the UK.
As these partnerships develop, seafood buyers can help by changing their specifications to support fishermen who make stronger commitments to better conservation practices.
The UK’s fishing industry is already well regulated and all our fishermen are required to operate to strict fisheries management regimes. Contrary to the impression often given by the media, many of the UK’s domestic fish stocks are in a healthy state – such as herring and langoustine.
Unfortunately, many of our most abundant species are exported, so there is considerable scope for us all to help boost domestic consumption.
Beware of making claims that can’t be substantiated. Decide what’s important to you but be realistic – for instance, inshore, small-scale ‘local’ fish often isn’t available during bad weather.
Do not automatically exclude particular fishing methods – talk to suppliers and fishermen first.
Think ‘quality’ but expand the concept to cover all environmental aspects, including reducing fuel use and discards. And look for certifications that assure quality and best practice – such as the MSC sustainability standard.
Think about working with third-party organisations, or at least look up their values. For instance, the Good Catch website offers a systematic approach to building up standards.
And finally, whatever you do in purchasing, also make sure that your customer-facing staff understand the provenance of your seafood – so that they can enthusiastically explain it to your customers and guide them to make good menu choices.
You may be interested in the Seafish training programme: Food Authenticity and Integrity Verification.
Whilst the Internet can be a fantastic resource, take care that the information you use has been properly checked for accuracy (peer reviewed) rather than built on assertions that have no evidence base.
Fishermen and local inshore management bodies like IFCAs can help you understand seasonality and what’s cheap and plentiful.
Plus Seafish has a wide range of resources, information and publications to help guide your choices.
In general, the seafood industry in the UK leads the world in procurement standards but to ensure you get the reassurances you need, ask questions, look for evidence, get to know people and don’t accept bad attitudes!
Train your staff to your standards; personalise your supply chain; and use pictures and publicity material to highlight your position.
For absolute confidence buy against formal certification schemes such as the MSC.
Helping the seafood industry understand what a business commitment to socially responsible seafood means in practice.
We’ve collated information and guidance on sustainability, responsible sourcing and related challenges and initiatives across seafood supply chains.